Wednesday, May 24, 2006


yeah rite, u guys must've guessed what this blog wud be all about... if not then here it is...

this one's for every single GENERAL category student of India who's been made to look nothing but an absolute chump in this whole issue of OBC reservation in higher studies. The name's Singh... Arjun Singh... yeahhh rite, unfortunately we also have in him, our very own Union HRD Minister... all thanks to him for taking away a major part (if not the whole of 50%) of deserving candidates belonging to the general category out of the race... the race which should ideally have taken them to some premier institute offering a post-grad course.

NUMB... is probably the rite word to describe the state of affairs of the minister's mind at this stage, simply 'coz in the desire of swelling up his guv's vote bank, he is, n that too knowingly... putting at high stakes the future of thousands of students. there seems to be no earthly logic to why he isnt willing to talk to students atleast once... he wont come on-air, he wont give a message, he wont do nothing... all this gives a clear idea abt how low on confidence he is abt this reservation. the students are on an indefinite hunger-strike, doesnt tht move the guv at all... dun they feel tht this is something really serious... lathi-charging the students was the worst part of all... i suggest even the students shud keep hockey-sticks n cricket-bats with them... lets see which police-wallah then even thinks of coming close to them.

i mean... c'mon... u're talking abt the most eligible n intelligent minds of the country here (i dun mean only the general category students but the grads n under-grads on the whole)... we arent protesting for nothing. there's something which the minister cant understand. raising the no. of seats in the institutes is no solution, infact, it worsens the situation.

times have come when a group of friends wont question each other abt their merit in boards or grad programs instead they'd say 'hey... u're an OBC rite??? goodness u're so lucky... u'll get into the top 10 easily... i wish even i was OBC n u, wht abt u !!! u're an SC rite ??? shit yaar, this GENERAL thing sucks !!!'

the SINISTER-MINISTERS' sons or daughters or grand-sons or daughters wont suffer coz they'd goto a HARVARD or a STANFORD or a CAMBRIDGE... why here !!! they'd get themselves treated by some top-notch foreign doctors whenever needed... even now they wud've put on a JOCKEY instead of trusting a VIP label... thts not the point though...

after all this, a situation has come where the GEN category students wud require quotas n reservations to survive. democratic state huh... INDIA... by-of-for the people it says... wht a contrast !!! why cant it be just MERIT... pure n simple MERIT... they say they want to give everyone an equal chance, they want to be fair to everyone... wht better way than doing away with the quota-system, n letting the all students compete on a fair ground. whoever then meets the requirement, gets the nod.

look frens, the protests havent had much of an impact as yet... but all this wont go waste, i wont let it go waste n i guess neither wud u... im dead sure abt tht !!! we'll stay firm on our stand n support the protest, if not for anything else then atleast for those students who are on a hunger-strike for so many days now, for those who've been beaten up n water-cannoned... for each one of them... lets come together n show our support for them... lets do our bit...


kindly undersign the blog n share a message if u'd like to !!!



hey ppl... the sudden news flash of the UPA guv deciding to implement the proposed 27% quota for the OBCs came as rude shock.

well now the UPA guv will know for sure what we students are capable of n it seems its trying very hard to not come in power again. they feel relaxed coz the major part of our general category never goes to vote, but now rest assured u UPA leaders, the next time we'll make sure that we vote u out of power.

We have a responsibility to explain why exactly we rejected the Govt's offer on 28th May.

Even as the Govt talks with the Students failed, the agitation across the nation shows no signs of diminishing.

Monday, May 29, 2006 : The Supreme Court on monday issued a notice to the Centre questioning the basis on which a policy decision to implement 27% reservation was taken.

for more details log on to


Anonymous said...

yeah, u r rite..... even i n even all of us wud think in d same way, as u did....... but i dnt think dat by forwarding d mails n writting such stuff will affect dat dog lathered skin minister so called "Arjun singh"... all v need to do is gather ourselves as an engineers n support d medical students who r fightin for d rights of being something called General Category Students....well, atlast i wud say dat v all must fulminate against dis injustice ....... "JAY HIND"

Anonymous said...

hey i we shud all of us shud form a association kinda thing n protest against it .. then only it will make sum difference.. otherwise nobody cares!!!! neways.. good wrk done by mr anubhav mishra keep up the good job!! we are all wid u!!

Anubhav Mishra said...

just a sec guys... i feel u gettin it all wrong !!! if u feel tht this way wudnt help then im sorry but there's something i think u shud know. this is probably the most effective way of creating awareness, not tht most of the ppl are aware already but everyone isnt. internet is one major way we can spread this awareness n probably evoke some fire within those who've kept quiet till yet... thnx for ur support !!!

aparna said...

ur correct to every bit .. had posted this on orkut .. im pasting it here again...
the govt's very easily ignoring the protests because...

1. the avg voter's turnout in most of the places is at the max close to 60 %

2. the people who are protesting arent the ones who account for a large chunk of vote bank...

3. the govt knows... that even after crushing a huge no: of protestors their vote count will not reduce .. coz they rely whole n sole on poor and uneducated people ..whom they promise .. jobs... thru reservations.......

ironically ,..... its never them who get the benifit out of it .. and thats the sorry state of the qouta system...

Anonymous said...

Power to our youth. Its about time we the youth did something about this country of ours. Its about time we made it 'By the youth, Of the youth and For the youth!' you have got yourself another keen activist my friend. email me at Im sure we can continue this revolution.

Anonymous said...

hey anu....gud work yaar....chalo u r atleast doin somethin....nd sorry to put up d comment so late...but had been a bit busy wid d trainin stuff nd all........hey i dont knw where did i read it but tat was one gud solution...let all of us become OBC....dont u think tats goin to work!!!! think abt it....chalo tc...nd keep bloggin....

Anonymous said...

i completley agree with anubhav, its not tht it wont affect the politicians who count their vote banks, its about speaking about it, protesting against something worng, and representing what each of us think in a mass voice, reservation were made in earlier years to promote education in the triabal caste and obc's but it should not be encouraged any more, when they are ruling everywhere from, education to job oppurtunites,to taxes and allmost everything.if we dont raise our voices now u might need reservations for general near future. no more diffrentiation should be done on basis of caste.. they should not continue advantaging one class of students while neglecting the others and taking them for granted. each student works hard to get their degrees and each one should get equal oppurtunity. it should be plainly based on merit and not the caste. let us raise our voice against unequality... mahatma gandhi once said.. "Be the change u want to see in the world". and i strongly feel tht changes wont come till u r determined to do so.. so let us all support anubhav in this cause which will bring the equality in education.

Anonymous said...

ya v hav 2 support d students who r on a hunger strike....v need 2 protest against dis reservation issue....all of us work so hard so dat v cud make it 2 d top institutes n these guys-sc/st n obs will b able 2 get der without ne hard work....crap man...plz guys support d students....lets all protest against dis injustice....

Anonymous said...

hey, nice work! Ur passion speaks 4 us all... Hope as many ppl possible read this n make evrybdy they knw read it too! Awareness, at this pt., seems to b our one strong weapon... All my support 4 this cause!

Anonymous said...

the post reflects the bitter truth ...even i strongly condemn, the illogical move made by Arjun singh ....the protest needs to be intesified to higher level.....
reservation of seats is no solution ....economic support to deserving candidates is the most viable solution.....
the idea of reservation was a foreign one , when in intial stage (during the time of our constituion formulation) those countries hav changed their policies , bt India is still dragging with those old set of unproductive policies ....tht's the reason we r still developing nation adn will remain the same , i guess for another 50 yrs .....
if such futile policies get enforced then tht day isnt far , when one student will say to another, " i got 100 in maths and 100 in science , bt since 0 in reservation so was denied admission "

Anonymous said...

well-done buddy... i strongly support ur view n these protests... let us not allow the govt to divide the country on the basis of caste... its now or never... we have to do something... mohe rang de basanti...

Anonymous said...

m glad that all of us r against reservation but we need to do something much more strong n powerful to shake the nation.
keep it up anu...

Anonymous said...

hey Goodjob man... well.. well..well..this is unforgivable step taken by our gov to reserve the seats on the basis of caste,its hard to believe buts its all hapening from last 1 month.... so guys now wake up nd nd make aware of this to everyone ...nd let the gov know not only doctors r against it.. v all part of this!!!!the gov has to take this back!!!

Anonymous said...

hey Goodjob man... well.. well..well..this is unforgivable step taken by our gov to reserve the seats on the basis of caste,its hard to believe buts its all hapening from last 1 month.... so guys now wake up nd nd make aware of this to everyone ...nd let the gov know not only doctors r against it.. v all part of this!!!!the gov has to take this back!!!


Anonymous said...

it's really sad tht our govt has again taken such a started with the mandal commission,the protests then didn make any impact but we ppl really need to create awareness now or else again this society will be divided on the basis of castes..lets all stand up for this good cause..

Anonymous said...

Nice job dude. .
Its time for the youth of country to come together.Our country needs a reformation. If you remember there was recently an article in times regarding lack of parking space in parliament house due to the merc, terracans ,bmw's etc that ministers possess.Are we paying huge taxes for luxuries of ministers and get some stupid quota in return.I think our leaders have grown too old so our country needs some youth power.Quotas is a stupid ploy which will divide our country in castes as hundreds years before.Education is a right for everyone.Seats should be given on merit and not on a SC/ST or Obc certificate that one posess.
Keep it up buddy we will give you strong backup. . .

Anonymous said...

hey anu
good job dear, like u, we all think in d same way but only thinking will not work we hav 2 come 4ward 2 do something & 4 dis the path u choose is very effective as there re many pepole who r not aware of wat exactly is happening in our so called good education sys. 2day internet is d best way 2 make them aware. i m with u and will definietly ask all my other frnds 2 read this & make people know more so tat our so called minister...... ARJUN SINGH should get a good answer of his disgusting act.

Anonymous said...

yep... me totally for this cause !!! just keep thinking abt this issue for 5 mins... u'll realise how worthless this proposal by the govt is... nothing doin, just protesting, unless there's a level palying field for everyone... gud job bro...

Anonymous said...

Ya, thats very much true.Actually every one of us has a burning fire against this in our hearts but the thing is that we don't have a single platform os stage where we can combine our voices and raise it against this.... but u r doing a gr8 job by providing the same ..... go ahead ... v all r with u!!!!all the best