Tuesday, March 21, 2006

a day at my engineering college

after tht heavenly nite... that surfin on net... researching on some odd topic... those favourite tracks playing... going to bed after a good 2 or 3 hours after mid-night... the alarm-clock rings loud in the ears, as if shouting - 'enough of your open mouthed-legs disseminated-clothes stripped sleep, now get up & get ready for hell, u tosser'... it gets its due then - a bang on its head, asking it to 'shut the f**k up... i heard u n im on'

then sitting on the bed, recovering from tht state of slumberness, they show-up... those WEIRD thoughts... asking me questions, which not even a single P.O.E. on earth wud have an answer to... 'WHAT MADE ME SAY YES TO ENGINEERING ?'.... for those who are wondering what a P.O.E. is, it stands for Prisoner Of Engineering... yeahhh, exactly... inspired from P.O.W....now dun ask me whts tht... tht period of convalescence n those WEIRD thoughts let tht congenital laziness too, to wake up n sink in deep... to such depths tht by the time i get ready for college, im in a complete state of rebellion, a rebellion against those college ppl... but then, wht the heck !!! AT THE END OF THE DAY I NEED A DEGREE TO SHOW...

tht already tiring day at college begins at 10.30 am, sooooo early in the morning... those one-hour long lectures are like hands of a clock... they just dun stop coming... unless ofcourse the clock is outta batteries, but then those 'outta battery' periods signify the vacations...sem-breaks, u see !!! every professor presuming themselves as some larger-than-life creatures, as they do at home in front of their ever-obeying wives n those little half-baked, two-feet tall children, enters the class...their head-held high as if some highly-learned PhD.

he then starts trashing stuff out, stuff never heard of before... ciphered to such an extent tht by the time u try n get even close to de-coding it... there's another PhD standing at the door !!! and no... the one hour just din pass unnoticed... it was after me, ravi, deepti, arjun, shiv n kapil did some or the other kinda rubbish to please ourselves, n more often than not make us 'laugh our ass out so hard, it hurts'... n strangely enough, we six people occupy the first two benches in the class... vaise i'd like to keep deepti out of this, the only female in our batch of 60-odd students. she likes to study, not coz she actually likes it but AT THE END OF THE DAY SHE TOO NEEDS A DEGREE TO SHOW... n she wants to, more than anybody else, have some good numbers waving for her in tht mark-sheet...

after three such 'boring-to-death' lectures, comes the recess-time... aaaahhhh... dun i just love it.. practically thts one of the strongest reasons i goto college... meeting frens from all other branches... having tht absolutely wonderful tea with some chinese to eat... tea, more often than not, has its self-respect thrashed to dust by us... we dun pay for it...we just dun... dun do tht intentionally but coz of bad-memory... we dun move until the situation arises where we have to rush back to the class-room, so tht we dun get too late for the next lecture (or somedays lab), so tht makes us forget abt the payment... maaaan... tht break-time is heavenly... but good-times are never enough... this break lasts for only 30 minutes... provided we dun bunk the lecture on either side of this break... which we usually do....

after tht break come those practical/lab hours... where some ppl like me get a chance to break tht 'im-no-stupid-moron' shackle... the self-respect-thrashed tea has its effect on us... these hours come as a source of refreshment, but not for long... coz these things can stretch for as long as 4 hrs... those clock-hands still ticking, remember !!! 4 hrs is a long, long time yaar, cant keep intact for the entire period... n when u got a college, a deserted land still under-construction (n wud probably be forever n ever), whose surroundings are filled with nothing but silence n waves of dull air... crazy public all around u, looking at u as if u were a native of mars n ur relatives have recently got transferred to pluto... coz u are, n i mean it, u are more refined, dignified, good-looking, n better dressed up than the others. u belong to a genre of public who are at-ease with ENGLISSS... the universal language... the others arent even there or thereabouts... i now, after spending close to 3 yrs here have learnt to deal with the luxurious celebrity-status offered... n have started to enjoy it too... but still, all these things are tiring...

finally, when u're out of the lab... NIRVANA... truly... the time's usually somewhere around 4.30-5.00 pm... sometimes even 5.30... those 6-odd hrs make u both mentally n physically tired, specially when u started the day with those WEIRD kinda thoughts n a possible plan of rebellion in mind... n then there's ims (CAT coaching), where our favourite sir keeps asking us, 'read the chapter?', 'tried the exercise?'... to which we just shake our heads left n right... (im sure sir wud thrash me after this)... he then starts solving problems, which seemed impossible to us. u wink & one problem's solved, with sir exclaiming 'ELEMENTARY !!!' n all of us slumping... it all gets messed up in the top-storey, but we somehow get thru...

well, thts one way of looking at it... coz all the fun lies there itself... there, within those 6-7 paragraphs tht i've written... its not all tht big a torture being an engineer... for tht matter, which discipline isnt a torture for their students ??? And i guess, the fight's worth it... coz one day i'd be the proud owner of that bachelor's degree in engineering.

but really, from the bottom-most part of my deep deep heart... i still am outta my wits, figuring out 'WHAT MADE ME SAY YES TO ENGINEERING ?'....

lemme knw, thru ur comments, if u can help... :p

luv u all...


Anonymous said...

hey anu,
tune toh mere dil ki baat bol di.... i m sure after readin dis no one is goin to opt for enginnerin especially in our coll......


Anonymous said...

hey dear,
tat is wonderful i just love it, its true we all think same but there is one thing tat we really enjoy these days.

Anonymous said...

really annu..... u r gem nd nt only u but v all as u said ur lunch break frends... feels the same... i think even i wud hav added sumthing!!!!!! aare ek gante lecture ke jate nahi... par ye 3 saal toh apne canteen ke 30 min se bhi fast ja rahe hai...

Anonymous said...

sakshi says....

anubhav u got a flare of making me just by reading yr words to be in that freaky eng... keep it up...and as for yr answer on why u joined it...?? well answer the question when in the end of grad u be proud owner of a sexy piece of paper called degree and u would be looking back on all canteen hours and the bunch u hanged around with....

Anonymous said...

HI bhav first of all i would like to state that the material to follow is highly ostentatious Cheers dude that was that was great expresion of thoughts .That was a paradigm of ur omnipotent skills.That lampooned engineering and i suppose our college needs a still harsher treatment than this.I acquiesce with ur article and hope that they go on accreting .The article appears to be an aberration from the rest.
But i believe that we oughtto deserve a greater description there "asshole" than ur pitiful ostracism.Great man continue writing more of these


Anonymous said...

hey anubhav..
cool stuff...
but since wen did u start writin like this??
keep up da good work..
c ya..

Anonymous said...

hey anu,
first of all m surprised that u cud ever write soo well...
n u r makin me think if it cud b really so bad???
n make sure that ur concerned prof's dont read it or m sure dat bacha kucha cafe ill also go..:)

neways all this ill b worht after ur grad..


Anonymous said...

hey anu,
firstly i would like to appreciate ur style and vocabulary. it was a pleasure to read ur passage and frankly u have refreshed my college memories. on ur question, u will realise the worth of wad u r doing only the day u start earning. As a matter of fact u need to be superior and wise in order to survive and this can be achieved only through knowledge and education.
best wishes,
Rati and Satyam

Anonymous said...

anu (rebelion)
u r truelly a rebelion....
a kind of needed in rdb........
well, it makes me surprise dat u can write so so sooooooo well, n ur attitude towards d coll --- maaan mindblowin.... well thnx for mentionin those recess friendz, i think dat may consider all of us,,..... well, all of us think in d same way as u think , but cannot write our feelings on such a blog ......... well, carry on anubhav bhaiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

Anubhav Mishra said...

hey people... this is anubhav - the blogger of this blog... a heart-felt thanks to all of u who have appreciated my blog n expressed it thru their comments. im not a regular here, at posting blogs but will surely keep coming up with more interesting blogs... thanks again... cheers !!!

Anonymous said...

hey anu,
from all the description i cud think nothing bt smile...the expressions were candid and reflected the plight of all the students around...
every one cherishes those moments after graduatin....
piece of advice: dont be rebellious it wud pay u in coming yrs
neways gud job done !!i appreciate it ..n hope to see sth spicy again!!

Anonymous said...

do you really think so that this is a torture or something.just try to recall the day when you actually took admission in be.just imagine the present situation.you will have a degree when you ll go out of this college.And remember one thing that you are lucky to be here.

Anonymous said...

hey anubhav...

unbeleivable maaan...sriously...
i mean not dat i think u cudnt hav ritten it....but cuz i think it so very describes the enthu...the plight...nd the mindset of all engineering students...so very correctly!

plus ur imagination...n lik rati n satyam say...ur use of words keeps u hooked to ur seat until...u've read the last line.."WHAT MADE ME SAY YES TO ENGINEERING"...indeed...

keep up d gud work yaar!!

v all need such posts...so dat venver v the 'P.O.E' read it...it comforts us wid d fact tat there is a whole community of our...

all the very best..

it was very instigating n energising....truly...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

heyy this is like really kool ya.. neve thought anybody wud cum up wid this stuff.. we all think the same but noone is actauly practicall.. lol god job dude.. kkep up the good wrk.. good luck!!

Anonymous said...

this blog's just wonnderful....Gr8 work man.

Anonymous said...

hey anubhav,, i got suggestion for u man.. screw engeenering...and go for journalism or something like tht ..u write too go .. u can become a columnist in few leading newspaper or magazine.. try it out.. though im not frm engeenering .. i liked the way u wrote it.. it needs a quite bit of observation and u had tht thing;..

Anonymous said...

hey dear,
ur style is appreciable wth great command on vocabulary.
it was exactly in same way, what we feel abt our coll. thanx 4 writing such a qote blog. surely, at the end of engg.u will get ur ans for "y u say yes to engg."

well,keep on writing

Roo said...

fun tha:p
quite a description. One day you'll grow old and will have a real bad memory. That day you'll talk to your grand children while cleaning your fake teeth and you would want to describe your college days to them..but you'll be too old to remember them.. THEN you can refer to your blog and tell them how much fun you used to have:p

Nitwit Blubber Oddment Tweak said...

Maybe coz' you always wanted to be one.

Anonymous said...

ermm reminds me of our tiring classes at college, n yes itz the same with all the professional courses, i wud know, n hey i cnt believe ure brooding n whining over 10.30, our classes begin at 9.30 *rolls her eyes* (i knwwww).......!!
"It like totally sucks, unh!" okay tht was me blonding out (yes a term i invented) i like ending conversations like tht..ull know!

Anonymous said...

Wat A random Blog I found.!
Its just wonderful.

Highly Impressed.!
Great work,Dude.!
