Monday, October 16, 2006

mujhe blogne do !!!

high time i blogged now...
the first post was in the 3rd month of 2006, the second in 5th, the third in 7th... now this arithmetic progression might lead u to a conclusion that the fourth post would be ready by the 9th month... but a reality-check might lead u to another conclusion which'd tell u that its already month number 10... and that is the very reason why i said its high time i blogged then... HATS-OFF to me

Now that the reason why i am here is clear, we'll see what i post...

I've written on various issues earlier - personal, social, sports- but this time i wanted to be abstract, which i personally am but could never show that on paper/posts etc. I asked SOME of my friends for SOME suggestions... someone asked me to write on movies and their validity, or how much they conform to the real life. I dropped the idea because i couldn't stand for one opinion. someone asked me to come up with personal notes over the variety of experiences i've had in the past few months. I dropped it again because i felt not many people would be interested in what's happening in my life. Who cares, afterall!!! not even me... Then this lady, kappu, asked me to write something on ZIDDI people (sunny paaji??? he'd better take care of his NAKSHA). The idea was interesting but the ZIDDINESS of the topic pushed me into GIDDINESS which was way, way deeper than the shallowest of oceans. HATS-OFF to me...

Determining the depth of an ocean, or of any reasonably large water body for that matter, is a tough job when, to do it, you've only got a float (floating body), a rope and 100 bucks!!! The reason i'm saying this is because me, and my classmates, too were left stranded in the same situation a year and half back by our FLUID MECHANICS' PROFESSOR. Most of us came up with the strangest of answers (like we bought an aircraft with Rs. 100) and the rest used their brains. We were KIDS then... 19 year old KIDS (OXYMORONISM can't get better). I've grown stronger though. Mentally Stronger. The term 'Physical Strength' will soon extinct for me. But the amount that i eat has always been on the rise. I can't get no satisfaction... AAAhhh... HATS-OFF to me again...

People have come, people have gone. They do it as and when they like. They keep doing that, and then i start sounding like the most happening tourist destination. But its important for the destination to have 'its-kinda' tourists-who can take care of it, and themselves too, who know what they're there for... basically, who've got their priorities well listed-out. It's all getting very boring, very higgledy-piggledy. I'm Jaded...


The floods were too bad. I was so close to losing too much. Fortunately, i didn't. But then my PC started misbehaving (no!water didn't even touch it, maybe the moist atmosphere affected it). First internet connectivity problem, then motherboard and then finally the mother of them all, the hard-disk. It isn't all that hard - falls way too often for corruption. Similar to the politicians - here the disk rules the PC and is corrupted, there they rule the nation and are corrupted. Different from the politicians - here the corrupted disk does not work, is trashed-off!!! there, the corrupted politicians work, they are oll korrect. What analogy!!! HATS-OFF to me

I lost my 'jeevan-poonji' due to the hard disk-corruption, i.e. i lost all my music. Music was all i had in there. Close to 15 GB and was still counting. Was down and out ('mujhe mar jaane do. mat roko mujhe!!!'). Just then, a messiah appeared (ms rao). She was the gutterflower i was looking for - filth is where you find a LOTUS, don't you? Don't know why they assigned lotus the post of India's National Flower!!! Probably because it serves as a seat to one of the goddesses. I'm glad they didn't consider the mouse for the National Animal post. Anyways... so the messiah got me most of my artists back, and a few new ones too which i guess are right up there or thereabouts. And now i wanna be 18 till i die...
I'm losing out on hats now, so... CAPS-OFF to me...

Oh yes... CAPS remind me of the HIMESH RESHAMMIYAS... he is the sensation of the sensations... he is the mindblowings... he is the superbs... he is the this, he is the thats, he is the everythings...
he wears the caps during the nights too, he sings from the noses, he grows the untidy beards, and now he is gonna the acts too... eggjactly!!! Where do we run??? How much do we run??? He should now be included in NATURAL DISASTERS, or as my bhai-sahab aka Baba Adityanath aptly put it - he should be included in the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. And then i again aptly put it 'he's a la-ilaaj bimari', then bhai-sahab- 'dengue ka virus', then i- 'he gets you HIV+', then bhaisahab - 'himesh irritability virus plus'... then i....then he.... then i... and the rest is common-sense.

The ICC Champions Trophy is now underway. The best part being that the defending champions-WEST INDIES- had to qualify for the tournament. They had to prove that they were good enough to act as one of the top 8 contenders of the trophy. It is the ridiculous one :)). Anyways, all the best to INDIA. GO INDIA GO!!! Guys, just kick-a** (where *=s). The whole of HINDUSTAN is with you. No idea what the BLUE BILLION crap is. BLUE is probably a new number and a Chinese at that. How else do you explain 'hooo-haaa India...'?

The English Premier League is coming along fine too. Manchester United is going great guns. All the best to u too MANU. Go get the TITLE.

Posting a blog is an art... its just another business where, until you satisfy your customers (readers), you won't book profits neither will you get more contracts. I, Anubhav Mishra, do hereby solemnly declare that i, in more ways than one, have made a mockery of WRITING and have taken the readers for granted and might continue to do so if the so-called creative mind that i possess, doesn't start giving me interesting ideas.

CLAIMER: The views, opinions, ideas expressed in the above post belong solely and wholely to the blogger and many others across the planet and should not be considered as the blogger's alone. Those 'many across the planet', if at all you find them, should be held responsible for any undoing this post might lead to. All the characters in the post are not fictitious and bear helluva lot of resemblance to many persons living or dead.

Thanks... Visit Again!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


When the GREATS go down in a way by which they normally aren't identified, the whole world comes to a halt... jaws drop... & there's a sudden spurt of emotions... emotions raising a big, big question - WHY ?

Why...why zizou why ??? the world did come to a halt, jaws did drop, emotions did spurt, & the question too was raised... the missing link now is the 'answer'. The world witnessed one of the most infamous incidents in the history of the most popular sport in the world. The most famous personality in French Football delivering probably the most famous headbutt to a not so famous Italian counterpart.

Things to keep in mind before we go deep into the discussion-

1) Italy conceded just 2 goals in the whole World Cup (a total of 7 matches), which includes 1 in the final. The 3 goals scored during the penalty shoot-out in the final not being considered. No other team had a better defensive record in this WC.
2) Italy scored 12 goals in their 7 matches while France scored 9 in as many matches. These numbers again do not include the goals scored during the penalty shoot-out in the final.
3) I backed Italy to take away the cup considering their recent form in the WC, which stats prove (not just points 1 & 2), was better than France's.
4) I too have been, for a long time now, one of those 'big-time' Zizou admirers.
5) At the end of first half, the scoreline read FRA 1-1 ITA. 2nd half could not yield any goals & neither could extra-time. The Italians finally won 5-3 on penalties.

source: espn

As the true reason unfolds, the speculations have started doing their rounds. The most accepted & common one being- Materazzi abused Zidane, irked him, got him furious & the rest is history. Here i'd like you to roll your thought-process over on a different path. How about putting it this way - probably Zizou did say something to Materazzi (Matty) earlier, in response to which Matty said some unwanted words, as a result Zizou did wht he did n got sent-off. Or, perhaps, what if Matty had delivered a header into Zizou's chest? Would the blame then had be thrown on to Zizou, just as it is now being on Matty. Now these thoughts come to me when i look at it as an unbiased spectator. But they generally don't, 'coz... Zidane's the best player of his generation, the national dailies are carrying his photographs on every edition with headlines roaring something like- 'ZIDANE MAGIC'...'ZIZOU:THE ETERNAL GENIUS'...'PELE, MARADONA...ZIDANE?'. We get so absorbed in them, they actually make us believe that Zidane can do no evil!!! Spare a thought... he too is human !!!

Nothing against Zizou-the champ (keep in mind point 4), but this kind of hysteria causes one to ignore the possibility that maybe the 'great one' himself might be at fault. To actually quote Matty- 'I held his shirt for a few seconds only, then he turned to me and talked to me, jeering. He looked at me with a huge arrogance and said, 'If you really want my shirt I'll give it to you afterwards'. I replied with an insult, that's true.' He has denied, however, some of the more vile insults referring to his wife or sister or calling him a terrorist. 'It was one of those insults you're told dozens of times and that you often let fall on a pitch', Materazzi said. Now isn't that a reason enough to shift your sympathies towards Matty. If you aren't a student of favoritism, u'd surely do that. I'm just trying to give Matty a fair chance.

My whole point in bringing this issue up is that this was just an incident, & a very unfortunate one that led to the departure of one of Football's most favorite sons in the most disappointing of ways. Let us all treat it as an incident ONLY & not as some ploy by the Italians to get rid of Zizou so that they can clinch the cup... 'coz mind you, the Azzuris have got the potential which they very well displayed when they beat the original favorites - Germany & the proposed fact that one man can beat them alone is highly unacceptable. They need not plan any negative plot for Zidane, or any player for that matter, 'coz their sheer brilliance on the field could've won them the cup, which it did !!! Carrying their impeccable defensive record in the finals too & possessing the ball for 55-60 % of the time, they looked rock-solid in defence yet again. They had answers to every French attack after ofcourse, the 7th minute penalty, which Zidane converted (Here i'd like to bring to those readers' kind notice, who in Matty's case talk about playing a fair game with complete honesty n integrity - replays clearly showed that there was no contact between the defenders n Malouda, who then finally fell inside the penalty box for no reason due to which the referee awarded a penalty to the French. If that had not happened, the match would probably have ended in the first half itself, forget about extra-time n penalties.).

All these factors strongly tilted the match in the Azzuris' favour, but the French hung-on. Les Bleus are a talented bunch, lets make no bones about it. They had one of the most famous line-ups in the WC... with names like Henry, Vieira, Trezeguet, Sagnol... and ofcourse our very own Zizou. So stating that only 'coz Zidane got red-carded in the final minutes of extra-time, France lost the cup is, to be very honest, absurd. As Henry rightly said 'We won together, we lost together', it isn't apt to give the credit of a team's defeat or victory to just one player. It was a very evenly fought contest & probably i wudn't be wrong in saying that a FIFA WC final couldn't have been better.

Let's not crucify Marco Materazzi for what happened that night neither let the grandeur of The Magician fade away like this. Both were playing for their respective countries, a slip-up here & there is justified. Let's accept that the better team won !!!

France has given the world a reason to celebrate, & the reason is 'Zinedine Zidane'. Let the reason not disappear without notice.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006


yeah rite, u guys must've guessed what this blog wud be all about... if not then here it is...

this one's for every single GENERAL category student of India who's been made to look nothing but an absolute chump in this whole issue of OBC reservation in higher studies. The name's Singh... Arjun Singh... yeahhh rite, unfortunately we also have in him, our very own Union HRD Minister... all thanks to him for taking away a major part (if not the whole of 50%) of deserving candidates belonging to the general category out of the race... the race which should ideally have taken them to some premier institute offering a post-grad course.

NUMB... is probably the rite word to describe the state of affairs of the minister's mind at this stage, simply 'coz in the desire of swelling up his guv's vote bank, he is, n that too knowingly... putting at high stakes the future of thousands of students. there seems to be no earthly logic to why he isnt willing to talk to students atleast once... he wont come on-air, he wont give a message, he wont do nothing... all this gives a clear idea abt how low on confidence he is abt this reservation. the students are on an indefinite hunger-strike, doesnt tht move the guv at all... dun they feel tht this is something really serious... lathi-charging the students was the worst part of all... i suggest even the students shud keep hockey-sticks n cricket-bats with them... lets see which police-wallah then even thinks of coming close to them.

i mean... c'mon... u're talking abt the most eligible n intelligent minds of the country here (i dun mean only the general category students but the grads n under-grads on the whole)... we arent protesting for nothing. there's something which the minister cant understand. raising the no. of seats in the institutes is no solution, infact, it worsens the situation.

times have come when a group of friends wont question each other abt their merit in boards or grad programs instead they'd say 'hey... u're an OBC rite??? goodness u're so lucky... u'll get into the top 10 easily... i wish even i was OBC n u, wht abt u !!! u're an SC rite ??? shit yaar, this GENERAL thing sucks !!!'

the SINISTER-MINISTERS' sons or daughters or grand-sons or daughters wont suffer coz they'd goto a HARVARD or a STANFORD or a CAMBRIDGE... why here !!! they'd get themselves treated by some top-notch foreign doctors whenever needed... even now they wud've put on a JOCKEY instead of trusting a VIP label... thts not the point though...

after all this, a situation has come where the GEN category students wud require quotas n reservations to survive. democratic state huh... INDIA... by-of-for the people it says... wht a contrast !!! why cant it be just MERIT... pure n simple MERIT... they say they want to give everyone an equal chance, they want to be fair to everyone... wht better way than doing away with the quota-system, n letting the all students compete on a fair ground. whoever then meets the requirement, gets the nod.

look frens, the protests havent had much of an impact as yet... but all this wont go waste, i wont let it go waste n i guess neither wud u... im dead sure abt tht !!! we'll stay firm on our stand n support the protest, if not for anything else then atleast for those students who are on a hunger-strike for so many days now, for those who've been beaten up n water-cannoned... for each one of them... lets come together n show our support for them... lets do our bit...


kindly undersign the blog n share a message if u'd like to !!!



hey ppl... the sudden news flash of the UPA guv deciding to implement the proposed 27% quota for the OBCs came as rude shock.

well now the UPA guv will know for sure what we students are capable of n it seems its trying very hard to not come in power again. they feel relaxed coz the major part of our general category never goes to vote, but now rest assured u UPA leaders, the next time we'll make sure that we vote u out of power.

We have a responsibility to explain why exactly we rejected the Govt's offer on 28th May.

Even as the Govt talks with the Students failed, the agitation across the nation shows no signs of diminishing.

Monday, May 29, 2006 : The Supreme Court on monday issued a notice to the Centre questioning the basis on which a policy decision to implement 27% reservation was taken.

for more details log on to

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

a day at my engineering college

after tht heavenly nite... that surfin on net... researching on some odd topic... those favourite tracks playing... going to bed after a good 2 or 3 hours after mid-night... the alarm-clock rings loud in the ears, as if shouting - 'enough of your open mouthed-legs disseminated-clothes stripped sleep, now get up & get ready for hell, u tosser'... it gets its due then - a bang on its head, asking it to 'shut the f**k up... i heard u n im on'

then sitting on the bed, recovering from tht state of slumberness, they show-up... those WEIRD thoughts... asking me questions, which not even a single P.O.E. on earth wud have an answer to... 'WHAT MADE ME SAY YES TO ENGINEERING ?'.... for those who are wondering what a P.O.E. is, it stands for Prisoner Of Engineering... yeahhh, exactly... inspired from dun ask me whts tht... tht period of convalescence n those WEIRD thoughts let tht congenital laziness too, to wake up n sink in deep... to such depths tht by the time i get ready for college, im in a complete state of rebellion, a rebellion against those college ppl... but then, wht the heck !!! AT THE END OF THE DAY I NEED A DEGREE TO SHOW...

tht already tiring day at college begins at 10.30 am, sooooo early in the morning... those one-hour long lectures are like hands of a clock... they just dun stop coming... unless ofcourse the clock is outta batteries, but then those 'outta battery' periods signify the vacations...sem-breaks, u see !!! every professor presuming themselves as some larger-than-life creatures, as they do at home in front of their ever-obeying wives n those little half-baked, two-feet tall children, enters the class...their head-held high as if some highly-learned PhD.

he then starts trashing stuff out, stuff never heard of before... ciphered to such an extent tht by the time u try n get even close to de-coding it... there's another PhD standing at the door !!! and no... the one hour just din pass unnoticed... it was after me, ravi, deepti, arjun, shiv n kapil did some or the other kinda rubbish to please ourselves, n more often than not make us 'laugh our ass out so hard, it hurts'... n strangely enough, we six people occupy the first two benches in the class... vaise i'd like to keep deepti out of this, the only female in our batch of 60-odd students. she likes to study, not coz she actually likes it but AT THE END OF THE DAY SHE TOO NEEDS A DEGREE TO SHOW... n she wants to, more than anybody else, have some good numbers waving for her in tht mark-sheet...

after three such 'boring-to-death' lectures, comes the recess-time... aaaahhhh... dun i just love it.. practically thts one of the strongest reasons i goto college... meeting frens from all other branches... having tht absolutely wonderful tea with some chinese to eat... tea, more often than not, has its self-respect thrashed to dust by us... we dun pay for it...we just dun... dun do tht intentionally but coz of bad-memory... we dun move until the situation arises where we have to rush back to the class-room, so tht we dun get too late for the next lecture (or somedays lab), so tht makes us forget abt the payment... maaaan... tht break-time is heavenly... but good-times are never enough... this break lasts for only 30 minutes... provided we dun bunk the lecture on either side of this break... which we usually do....

after tht break come those practical/lab hours... where some ppl like me get a chance to break tht 'im-no-stupid-moron' shackle... the self-respect-thrashed tea has its effect on us... these hours come as a source of refreshment, but not for long... coz these things can stretch for as long as 4 hrs... those clock-hands still ticking, remember !!! 4 hrs is a long, long time yaar, cant keep intact for the entire period... n when u got a college, a deserted land still under-construction (n wud probably be forever n ever), whose surroundings are filled with nothing but silence n waves of dull air... crazy public all around u, looking at u as if u were a native of mars n ur relatives have recently got transferred to pluto... coz u are, n i mean it, u are more refined, dignified, good-looking, n better dressed up than the others. u belong to a genre of public who are at-ease with ENGLISSS... the universal language... the others arent even there or thereabouts... i now, after spending close to 3 yrs here have learnt to deal with the luxurious celebrity-status offered... n have started to enjoy it too... but still, all these things are tiring...

finally, when u're out of the lab... NIRVANA... truly... the time's usually somewhere around 4.30-5.00 pm... sometimes even 5.30... those 6-odd hrs make u both mentally n physically tired, specially when u started the day with those WEIRD kinda thoughts n a possible plan of rebellion in mind... n then there's ims (CAT coaching), where our favourite sir keeps asking us, 'read the chapter?', 'tried the exercise?'... to which we just shake our heads left n right... (im sure sir wud thrash me after this)... he then starts solving problems, which seemed impossible to us. u wink & one problem's solved, with sir exclaiming 'ELEMENTARY !!!' n all of us slumping... it all gets messed up in the top-storey, but we somehow get thru...

well, thts one way of looking at it... coz all the fun lies there itself... there, within those 6-7 paragraphs tht i've written... its not all tht big a torture being an engineer... for tht matter, which discipline isnt a torture for their students ??? And i guess, the fight's worth it... coz one day i'd be the proud owner of that bachelor's degree in engineering.

but really, from the bottom-most part of my deep deep heart... i still am outta my wits, figuring out 'WHAT MADE ME SAY YES TO ENGINEERING ?'....

lemme knw, thru ur comments, if u can help... :p

luv u all...